Mitra Bisnis Keluarga - Funding to start more women's group loans on Java
Mitra Bisnis Keluarga
Funding to start more women's group loans on Java
Mitra Bisnis Keluarga (MBK) is among the biggest microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Indonesia. It is also one of the pioneers of introducing the Grameen group lending methodology in Indonesia. MBK offers group loans to economically active women on poor incomes in rural and peri-urban areas of Java. The group lending methodology applied by MBK dovetails nicely with the target groups' local culture resulting in positive livelihood improvements.
MBK has endorsed the Smart Campaign to better protect its clients and prevent over-indebtedness. All loan applicants are thoroughly screened and, if considered eligible, provided with transparent information, for example on interest rates and the terms and conditions of financial products.
MBK has been a partner of Oikocredit since 2008.
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