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Nola inbertitu
Nola inbertitu

IDEPRO, Instituto para el Desarrollo de la Pequeña Unidad Productiva - Préstamos y capacitación para pequeñas y medianas empresas

IDEPRO, Instituto para el Desarrollo de la Pequeña Unidad Productiva

Loans and training for small and medium enterprises


Instituto para el Desarrollo de la Pequeña Unidad Productiva (IDEPRO) is a microfinance institution (MFI) that combines microfinance services with consultancy and advice to small and medium enterprises and selected production chains. The MFI has presence in all nine departments in Bolivia with 22 branches (2016).

IDEPRO’s clients mostly live in rural or semi-urban areas, and are active in trade, production, farming, and other small-scale enterprises. IDEPRO offers loans as part of special packages, called Specialized Integral Services, which include training and advice for growing businesses. This means IDEPRO not only provides loans, but is involved in the entire production chain of its clients’ enterprises. These enterprises are mainly concentrated in six activities: cultivation of chestnuts, quinoa, grapes, textiles production, forestry and tourism.

Instituto para el Desarrollo de la Pequeña Unidad Productiva has been an Oikocredit partner since 1998.

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