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Fundación Crysol - Mejorar la cartera de préstamos para alcanzar una mayor productividad

Fundación Crysol

Improving the loan portfolio to achieve higher productivity


Fundación Crysol (CRYSOL), founded in 1999, is a mainly rural MFI that provides several microfinance services to more than 6,500 clients (2015). CRYSOL is one of the few pioneers in delivering microcredit services in eastern Guatemala.

The organization operates in eight departments in Guatemala (2015): Jalapa (headquarters), Jutiapa, Santa Rosa, Chiquimula, Zacapa, El Progreso, Sacatepéquez and Chimaltenango. These areas form part of the so-called dry corridor of Guatemala.

CRYSOL's main goal is to improve the social and economic conditions of Guatemala’s urban and rural communities by improving the quality of life of its inhabitants through microcredit services. Its clients mainly operate in the agricultural and commercial sectors.

CRYSOL offers various financial products to address its clients’ social needs. The most important products are the community banks which are designed to empower women to pursue productive activities that increase their income. CRYSOL also provides financing through individual loans and solidarity groups (designed for groups consisting of two to ten individuals involved in productive activities). It also provides social housing loans to help people purchase or improve their homes.

In addition to these financial products, CRYSOL provides training for community banks and technical assistance to people receiving a social housing loan.

Fundación Crysol has been an Oikocredit partner since 2009.

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